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Sunday 25 September 2016

HW 3a - Continuity Task Evaluation (BLK)

Continuity Task

1. In our sequence two friends are walking down a staircase discussing homework from their last lesson. At the bottom of the stairs one of the characters (Sailesh) unintentionally pushes the other (Michaela), causing her to fall. She then sits against the wall whilst he makes sure she is ok. As this happens one of her other friends comes up to ask if she is ok, causing Sailesh to run away as he feels he would be blamed.

2. We attempted to show continuity by varying our shot type and framing and also trying to match the action for all of the shots.

3. We did not achieve full continuity as all of our shots began with the characters standing still. Additionally, between one of the shots, Sailesh had moved position which means that the action hadn't been matched properly. On top of this, at the end of shot two we can hear that Sailesh has already pushed Michaela but then this is repeated in shot three. However I feel that in the last two shots continuity was almost achieved as we can see Sailesh begin to run in shot five and then continuing in shot 6 flows fairly well.

4. In hindsight I would try to match the action better by making sure the characters are moving before we start recording. Additionally, we could have marked the floor so that the characters were standing in the same place for each shot. I also wouldn't have Sailesh push Michaela in shot two so that it is not repeated in shot three. Finally, I would have had the camera record for longer in shot five so that the audience can see Sailesh run for longer, which would have made the continuity clear between shots five to six.

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