Our finished Music Video

My Outside Digipak Panels

My Outside Digipak Panels

My Inside Digipak Panels

My Inside Digipak Panels

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Wednesday 1 February 2017

R+P Post 13: Our Animatic

On completing our storyboard, we used it to create an animatic. An animatic is an animated storyboard. To make it we recreated all the shots from our storyboard within the school and photographed them. We then edited during the week, following an editing schedule so that we could all contributed and that we completed the task on time. Below is a scan of our editing schedule.
Animatic Edit Schedule
We then put these photos onto Adobe Premiere Pro and arranged them in the same order as our timeline and storyboard. Once they were in order, we gave them the same timings that we had planned on the timeline. Along with our photos, we added images of our distribution company's ident and our production company's ident, all our sound effects and our chosen soundtrack. Below is our finished animatic.

From completing the animatic, we learnt a lot about our opening sequence. We found that it is quite difficult to film through windows for our stalker POV shots as it is hard to see what is going on inside due to poor lighting. We spoke to our technician and decided that it will be good to use a lighting kit for our test shoot to see if it improves the visibility inside the house. Additionally, the animatic helped us to realise how difficult it is to match our radio script to  what is going on in the sequence. We had to break it up in a way to make it seem as if the announcement was ongoing, even when the camera cuts to the stalker's point of view. Also we found that our soundtrack didn't work too well with the beginning section of our opening as it was overly dramatic for a morning routine. This will either be changed completely or another soundtrack will be used as well as the original for our test shoot and rough cut. Overall the animatic helped us to find out what to check and change for our test shoot. It also helped us to see the position of the credits and whether they interfered with what appeared on screen, which is why a simple and plain font with no effects was used. 

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